Offshore and Maritime claims

Accidents that occur offshore can have catastrophic consequences. In many cases, due to the harsh nature of the offshore work environment, these accidents are fatal. If you or your loved one was injured, contact the leaders in maritime law at SHK Law Attorneys. We help clients nationwide, including

Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya

Offshore injuries are serious, and they are governed by a set of laws that are different than common accidents on land. It costs absolutely nothing to contact us and speak to one of our attorneys. Often, the choice of the right lawyer is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make.


Family and Divorce Claims


SHK Law Attorneys law Firm has lawyers who focuses exclusively in family law and its latest trends. Our lawyers have an insatiable thirst for success and know nothing but perfection when it comes to representing our family law clients.

At SHK Law Attorneys, we do everything different. That is why we are successful. We do not follow old modules. We question every aspect of family law before following it and see whether we can change it for the better. We have a modern and progressive approach to law, our practice and how our firm is run. We believe that family law must conform and change as we change and for this reason, we constantly challenge the core and limits of family law.

Hiring a SHK Law Attorneys means you have hired all of our lawyers because we have morning meetings at which we discuss all of our cases and together come up with the best strategy to resolve your case.  Kiiza Hussein, the founder of SHK Law Attorneys has won over 90% of his all cases * and ensures all the lawyers at SHK Law Attorneys follow the highest standards of quality and service when it comes to family law.